Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinPost by Mark Borgerson=20
I am accused of bashing simply because the piece=20
was critical of females.
The person who accused you of bashing was claiming that use of the term
"bitches" to refer to women was bashing. As far as I can tell, the con=
of your post was not in question, only the terminology of the subject l=
Yes. It is still going on in other branches of=20
this thread.
I am very critical of female. Particularly their=20
readiness with which they will exaggerate,=20
distort and even spew out falsities.
Do you have any evidence that the majority of women behave this way? Do=
have any evidence that women are more likely to lie than men? =20
YES! I have been trying to get people to=20
understand this for over fifteen years.
It is a matter of brain structure.
The female has a thicker Corpus Collosum with=20
more neural threads connecting the left and=20
right halves of the cerebrum. It is held that=20
this results in the female being more inclined=20
to connect her emotions to her output circuits=20
than a man.
<<SNIP several quotations about brain function-----
none which actually say anything about lying>>
So if the writers do not actually use the
word(s) LIE or LYING you don't accept it. Try
reasoning it out. And looking at the behaviour
of females.
Got it in one! I assume that the writers were intelligent
people choosing their words carefully. If they had meant
their studies to address the issue of lying I would expect
to find the words 'lying', 'prevarication', 'dishonesty'
and 'falsehood'. Those words seem to be missing in the
material you quoted, so I assume that you are drawing your
own conclusions from facts not in evidence.
A) the book was not primarily about LYING it was
about brain differences; and
B) the book was published at a time when it
would have been dangerous and might even have
resulted in the book not being published to have
said it outright.
Are you unaware of the heated atmosphere of the
late nineteen-eighties.
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinIf emotions swing and sway (which they do in all
of us) and females connect their emotions to
their output circuits more readily than men it
follows that females are more likely than men to
change what they are saying when their emotions
Changing what you say is not the same as lying.
If I say that the sky is gray today, while I said
the sky was blue yesterday, that doesn't mean
that I'm lying.
If the conditions change of course it is not
LYING. And I do not insist that all
inconsistency is LYING:
A) it is not LYING if the person has been given
faulty information and lasses it on in good faith.
B) it is not LYING if the person makes and
promise and circumstances make it impossible to
fulfil the promise.
C) it is not LYING if the person says something
believing it to be true while subconsciously
repressing the truth.
In other words, I apply something like the
Anglo-Amerikan legal tradition: A person is not
guilty unless they did the action deliberately.
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinSee, for example, that when a man hits a woman
the feminists will say: 'There is no excuse'.
But when a female hits a male, suddenly it's her
hormones, or it was a bad day at work, or she
had an evil childhood, or he provoked her.... etc.
There's no lying there---just a matter of different
So what happened to equality?
Post by Mark BorgersonNobody said one thing at one time
and a different thing at another time.
The girls insist upon equality then want one
rules for men and another rule for women.
Post by Mark BorgersonNot a good
argument about lying.
Very good argument and one that is well
recognised by plenty of other men.
I see that kind of inconsistency on a daily
basis on television in this country. If you
don't that is perhaps why you think I am so
extreme and you don't see all the LIES of women.
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinWhen I speak of the torrent of LIES we have got
from females in the last thirty years, this is
very much the kind of thing I am talking about.
With one breath they lay claim to equality and
almost in the next breath they want different
treatment for females as opposed to males.
I think you need to separate out your arguments--there are
falsehoods on a systematic scale perpetrated by individuals
and allowed by society.
These are still LIES. I am not distinguishing
between the societal game and the LIES of
individuals in personal situations. LYING is LYING.
Post by Mark BorgersonThen there are individual
lies told by one person to another. Your arguments
about emotions and brain structure differences apply only
second set.
Agreed. That does mean it is not LYING.
Post by Mark BorgersonYou are spending a lot of paragraphs
mixing up apples and oranges!
Only you are seeing LIES as not the same as LIES.
I am seeing apples and apples.
Where I see a difference is in the
responsibility of the LIAR: was it a deliberate
act? If it was not deliberate then it can be
understood and overlooked.
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinOne can hardly read a newspaper or switch on the
television without seeing this double standard.
As I have said elsewhere, by the late
nineteen-eighties I gave up making notes of all
the LIES of females.
I never wasted any time taking such notes. Perhaps
Ronald Reagan's approach is best: Trust, but verify.
Perhaps. You try verifying everything everyone
says to you. Good luck.
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinPost by Mark BorgersonIt is interesting that on a discussion programme=20
this morning in UK one female panelist was=20
caught out twice excusing LIES.
Also, add=20
to this double standards (which, after all just=20
another form of LYING).
If double standards are just a form of lying, why don't
you feel that other forms of dishonesty, such as theft,
are just another form of lying?
Double standards are a clear form of LYING. If
you maintain that the proper course of action is
so-and-so for one person and you do not maintain
the same for another person under the
essentially same circumstances you are being
inconsistent: LYING.
Bullshit! We have lots of different standards for
people based on age, citizenship, place of residence,
etc. etc.
That is dubious. We may apply different
standards as we obviously do to naughty children
and anti-social adults. But we do it for good
reason; not simply to excuse double standards.
In general the rules must be the same for all of
us. Even if, in fact, they rarely are. It is a
basic principle in a fair and decent society.
Post by Mark BorgersonNone of those different standards are
the same as lying. Is it a lie because my son
cannot get a driver's licence because he is only 15-3/4
while another young man can get one at age 16?
That is not a LIE: the rules are stated clearly
up front that not changed for one person or
another. You can have a driver's licence because
you are over 16; your son cannot because he is
under 16. If that is the law in your State that
is the rule. No one is changing it.
It would be a LIE to say the law is equal for
all of us and then apply it one way for one
person and another way for another person.
Post by Mark BorgersonI will grant you that HIDDEN differing standards are
not a good thing. We generally call that predjudice
or bigotry---rather than lying.
Yes. The English language has more words for
LYING that Inuit has for snow ;-)
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinThe theft is not of itself a LIE. Tough some
might consider that there is a LIE there in that
it will be assumed that the person presents
themselves as honest and, if they steal, they
are not honest and therefore that presentation
is a LIE.
For example. I used to be a television engineer
going from house to house repairing sets. We
were allowed to use the company car for private
purposes so long as we put our own petrol in.
But for pottering around town I didn't. I used
the company petrol and, so far a I am aware, so
did everyone else. This could be called theft
but I thought of it as a perk. The bosses knew
what went on and could have said something if
they wanted.
I gather from your point that you would say
someone was LYING if they did not own up
voluntarily to the theft (in which case it would
be pointless in the first place).
No, I would be more specific on my definition of
LYING. A lie is a false statement presented as
being true.
I am much more broad about it.
Anything that is misleading.
Your definition allows politicians for example
to make statements which are in fact true but
lead the listener to a false conclusion.
The English legal system even provides that
actions (without words) can be misleading - and
are considered wrong or grounds for action or
grounds for defence depending upon the
Post by Mark BorgersonIf you don't make a statement about
your petrol use, you're dishonest, but not lying.
If someone asks you about it, you get to decide
whether to lie or tell the truth. If you give
different answers to two people, that's a double
standard. You might say "I sometimes use company petrol
for my own travel" to your boss, while saying
"I often use company petrol for my own travels"
That's an example of a double standard and different
statements. Whether one is a lie depends on the
definitions of 'sometimes' and 'often'. Thus,
not all double standards constitute lies.
Post by DustbinPost by Mark Borgerson=20
Do you have any evidence that women are more likely to have double
standards than men or that this is a characteristic of all or even most
Yes. There is substantial scientific evidence to=20
support this point but it is politically=20
incorrect so it is not picked up by the main=20
stream media. See above.
There was no evidence given above.
Post by DustbinPost by Mark BorgersonNone of the quotes above discuss lying!
Deduce from the evidence. The writers cannot say
it outright because, if they did they would not
get published. And one of the writers (Moir) is
female so she might well not have agreed to
putting that in herself.
Now you're sounding like a conspiracy theorist!
Wake up man. I don't need to conspiracy theory
this: look at the things that have been going on
for the last thirty years. A soon as anyone says
something feminazis don't like they are out of
the trap like greyhounds and hunting down the
offender with fangs at the ready. Many people
have been scared to say thing that will upset
the feminsists because reputations and lives
have been destroyed when some dared to say
entirely legitimate things that the feminists
did not like. Elsewhere I have described how
Erin Pizzey waas treated for daring to say that
women could be violent. Look at what happened to
Larry Summers for daring to suggest that boys
might be innately better at science and
engineering than girls. Have you been living on
another planet for the last three decades?
Post by Mark BorgersonYou
KNOW what they meant to say, but publishers' conspiracy
would not allow them to tell the truth. Statements
like that often get people labeled as "Extremist
Conspiracy Nuts". If you want your arguments to get
attention from reasonable people, you ought to watch
out for statements like that.
I have explained my reasons above.
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinThey discuss
Post by Mark Borgersondifferences in emotional behaviour. I would hypothesize
that many lies are made on the basis of logical
unemotional decisions.
Many LIES are quite cold and calculated. That
does change what I said. Because some LIES are
deliberate and calculated does not mean that
other LIES are not.
The definition of lie requires a deliberate presentation
of a false statement of the truth. IMO, you are extending your
definition of lying past the point most people would consider
I don't think my definition is unreasonable and
socio-morally I think my definition is crucial.
If we say that a LIE is strictly limited to a
deliberate false statement then the many other
ways of deceiving someone into error can be
considered legitimate and not actionable as
wrong. But they have the same serious
consequences. Therefore, I think it is entirely
reasonable from a social-moral point of view to
regard all forms of deception as LYING - and I do.
Post by Mark Borgersonlie <n>
1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
By this definition a lie can only be deliberate. An unconsciously false
statement might simply be the result of sloppy thinking or ignorance.
Or psychological problem. But I have already
said that I accept the basic principle that it
should be deliberate in order to cast some one
as guilty.
But I would press you to look at the second
definition: "Something meant to deceive or give
a wrong impression." That conforms entirely to
my definition. So do you still have a problem
with it?
My Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th ed) says:
*lying* // pres.part. of lie.
adj. deceitful, false. at:
lie1 /la?/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled
Pronunciation[lahy] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA
Pronunciation noun, verb, lied, ly?ing.
1. a false statement made with deliberate intent
to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2. something intended or serving to convey a
false impression; imposture: His flashy car was
a lie that deceived no one.
3. an inaccurate or false statement.
4. the charge or accusation of lying: He flung
the lie back at his accusers.
–verb (used without object)
5. to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly,
as with intent to deceive.
6. to express what is false; convey a false
–verb (used with object)
7. to bring about or affect by lying (often used
reflexively): to lie oneself out of a
difficulty; accustomed to lying his way out of
8. give the lie to,
a. to accuse of lying; contradict.
b. to prove or imply the falsity of; belie: His
poor work gives the lie to his claims of experience.
9. lie in one's throat or teeth, to lie grossly
or maliciously: If she told you exactly the
opposite of what she told me, she must be lying
in her teeth. Also, lie through one's teeth.
[Origin: bef. 900; (n.) ME; OE lyge; c. G Lüge,
ON lygi; akin to Goth liugn; (v.) ME lien, OE
le-ogan (intransit.); c. G lügen, ON lju-ga, Goth
—Synonyms 1. prevarication, falsification. See
falsehood. 5. prevaricate, fib.
—Antonyms 1. truth.
Note definition 2 again. Deliberately deceiving
is generally agreed to be within the definition
of LYING. I don't think I am stretching to point
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinPost by Mark BorgersonMight not a strong
emotional connection between the brain and speech
just as well lead to a person blurting out the
It does sometimes. Try getting angry and see
what happens ;-)
Post by Mark BorgersonIn fact, for over fifteen years I have been=20
saying that women are born LIARS. That may seem=20
shocking but, because the underlying qualities=20
are undeniably genetic, it remains the case.
You haven't given any evidence of this yet.
You are refusing to see it.
I can't see evidence you haven't presented.
You deny that it is there.
I have offered reference and brief citation. You
quibble with it.
Post by Mark BorgersonI have only
your word that you have been saying women are born liars
for over fifteen years.
I thought you wanted evidence to support the
primary assertion not that I had been saying it
15 years. It doesn't matter whether you believe
that I have been saying for 15 years. You can
check the publication dates for the books I have
referred to and the possibility that - if I
arrived at the conclusion from those sources -
that I arrived at this position 15 years ago is
plausible. I don't really care whether you have
believe that I have been saying for 15 years
because that - of itself - is not the issue.
Post by Mark BorgersonI've certainly known women that
told lies in the last 15 years. I have no evidence that
all the women I've known in the last 15 years are liars.
I have been saying that women are more likely to
LIE than men. I have also suggested that women
tend to have different motives. I have not said
that all women are LYING all the time. Maybe the
ones that you don't think were LYING were not
LYING at the time they were with you ;-)
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinPost by Mark Borgerson=20
So far as I am concerned=20
it is fine to identify LIES to expose them and=20
to call those people who perpetrate them LIARS;=20
hypocrites and psychopaths. Since all three=20
words would be legitimate.
Identifying specific lies by specific people is legitimate. Concluding
that everyone who is the same sex as the liar is also a liar is highly
Not if there is a sound scientific reason for=20
saying that women are more likely to LIE on the=20
basis of a characteristic that is specific to=20
femaleness. In the same way that it has been=20
widely held that males are more inclined to=20
violence because they have higher testosterone=20
levels and certain neurones (that are associated=20
with violence) in the hypothalamus are more=20
responsive to testosterone.
Yes, but you have failed to give any evidence about
You are refusing to see it.
I can't see what you haven't presented. This could go
on forever--- ;-)
I have offered reference: Moir & Jessel (1989)
and Campbell (1989). The second reference does
not say anything directly related to LYING but
discusses brain differences. The Moir & Jessel
was cited in this regard.
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinPost by Mark BorgersonI had a slightly interesting and pertinent=20
Eight months ago Carabinieri patrolling the=20
streets near Rome=92s famous and beautiful Piazza=20
Navona found a mass rape in progress: its victim=20
was 30-year-old Maria Camminara... In court,=20
accusations, interrogations, squalid details,=20
insinuations, insults flew: =91All women are=20
liars, its a known scientific fact,=92 said the=20
defence at one point.
(Evening Standard 1988.)
[ Morgan, F., (1989) The Misogynist=92s Source=20
Book. London. Jonathan Cape Ltd. [p. 205.]]
When I first read this I simply chuckled and=20
thought: 'You'll never prove that=20
scientifically.' The important word being=20
scientifically: that there be scientific=20
scholarship of at least reasonable quality that=20
leads to the conclusion that women are in some=20
way by virtue only of their femaleness, LIARS.
I read Morgan around about September that year.=20
I picked up the Moir and Jessel book in=20
December. There in the second book was the=20
evidence that women are more inclined to LIE=20
than men.
What evidence? Can you please provide us with a
quote that uses the word "lie" or "lying"
No. Because they would never have got published
if they had said that.
Ah, the conspiracy to prevent publication once again!
Publishers know full well that they can be badly
damaged by the destructive tactics of feminists.
People who say uncomfortable things are
constantly confronted with resistance. Lenny
Lapon had trouble getting published; Barry
Worrall had trouble getting his book into print;
even Kate Millett (an established writer) had
trouble getting Loony Bin Trip published in the US.
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinThis is one of the problems; if you say straight
out that females are... something anti-social,
there is massive resistance to it getting
published. It follows from what they say in the
book that females are likely to persistently LIE.
It is apparent to you, perhaps. But it is not so
apparent to me.
Post by Mark BorgersonPost by DustbinPost by Mark BorgersonIt is quite legitimate no matter how=20
unacceptable it may be to say it.
Yes, but it isn't quite so legitimate to jump to
conclusions not supported by the evidence you have
It is supported. The evidence is there both in
the physiology; the chemistry and by social
Ah, it's present, but the authors couldn't say so----
OK, gotcha!
Post by DustbinPost by Mark BorgersonI could come up with examples of men who had lied.
I didn't say men don't LIE. Take a look at our=20
politicians: mostly men and everyone one a LYING=20
bastard. (oh sorry - is that male bashing ;-) )
This would
not justify me making statements claiming that "males spew out falsitie=
There is now a very long history of falsity=20
particular from so-called feminist researchers.
Cite? So-called feminist researchers, or real feminist
researchers? Which ones have that history?
If I did this my writings will become even
longer and to be honest I am sick of writing out
time after time. I have gone through all this so
many times. If the media had picked up on this
sixteen years ago - as I did - then we would not
even have to have this conversation now; it
would be accepted fact. Instead the media choose
to suppress this information - in spite of the
fact that they have had plenty of opportunity to
publicise it. On the other hand, they repeatedly
give air to dubious and shabby feminist
so-called science.
Perhaps you ought to spend less time with the media and
more time reading real scientific reports. Oh, that's
right, the scientists aren't allowed to tell the truth!
Post by DustbinPost by Mark Borgerson=20
If that kind of /name calling/ is illegitimate=20
then we have a problem.=20
Would you think that name-calling were illegitimate if people made the
statements about males that you have made about females?
I take no notice of feminist name-calling. After=20
nearly fifty years of feminist abuse I have=20
grown accustomed to it. Or have you forgotten:=20
"All men are Idi Amin." Or perhaps "All men are=20
But in another post, you justify your own name-calling
("bitches") based on the behaviour of women!
Yup! And I would justify a lot more after the
crap we have had to put up with for the last
thirty years.
Hey, if you're willing to concede the moral high ground, don't
expect all men to follow you down that slippery slope!
Post by DustbinHow about, giving women the vote is the biggest
mistake of the twentieth century?
Post by Mark BorgersonName-calling of an entire group based on their sex, race or sexual
orientation is precisely what the charter was intended to prevent. I di=
not want it to be legitimate on smm.
What is it is true.
All females have XX sex chromasomes.
Oh dear I can't say that because I can't say=20
something about the whole sex. That would make=20
it illegitimate to say that "All females are=20
And I have not said all females are LIARS only=20
that females are far more likely to LIE than=20
males - which is true on the evidence.
What evidence is that?
I have already offered the evidence if you just
don't want to accept it then that is that.
Your "evidence" is anecdotal, an unjustified extension
of the statements of the sources you quote and reliance
on a conspiracy theory. Pardon me if my scientific training
leads me to find your arguments less than convincing.
Post by DustbinMen go to prison for rape on less evidence.
Post by Mark Borgerson=20
Though I don't mind=20
calling them slags and sluts now and then. But,=20
in general, the worst is reserved for my ex-wife ;-)
It is understandable that your perception of women would be coloured by
your experiences of your ex-wife. It is a logical fallacy, however, to
make generalizations based on too small a sample.
I don't. One of the problems, in that specific=20
area, is that other women got around and covered=20
up for her and even threatened to LIE in court=20
for her. Eventually, I found that these other=20
women also knew that my wife was a right little=20
story teller. In spite of the fact that they=20
knew my wife was a LIAR they were still prepared=20
to LIE for her to get her what she wanted.
The plural of anecdote is not citation! (thanks, Andre)
So for you it does not matter how many time
women blatantly LIE you will just cling to the
possibility that there might be one female out
there somewhere who isn't a LIAR.
You're basing your statement on your direct experience with
ALL women! LOL!
Post by DustbinYou know what mate ;-)
With three billion females to choose from you
might be right.
Post by Mark BorgersonEven that lot: about 20 females, would be too=20
small a sample. I have watched hypocrisy, double=20
standards and rule switching on the part of=20
females day after day after day for thirty years.
Seek, and ye shall find!
Well, that is little more than sarcasm.
Post by Mark BorgersonIt is interesting that when the brain data says=20
some negative about females they insist that the=20
brains are the same; but if the very same=20
science says something negative about men it can=20
be given the full glories of mass media=20
treatment. Hence we are readily told that men=20
are insensitive bastards; (based on brain=20
differences) but must never suggest that women=20
are more given to LYING (based on - the very=20
same - brain differences).
You haven't yet shown any evidence of the connection
between brain differences and lying, though.
I have and it is clear. You simply refuse to
accept it.
You are also applying different standards of
evidence to me than are applied to feminists who
are allowed to make clearly false statements and
get away with it. And they get to say it in the
mass media.
None of those statements are being made in smm. I
simply choose my forums more carefully that
some other people.
Post by DustbinPost by Mark BorgersonIt's
an interesting hypothesis, but still needs some
supporting experimental evidence.
Open your eyes and ears.
Why is it that I can hear LIES at every turn and
you can't - or is it that you just don't want to.
I can hear the lies---they're all over the media here---
after all we have a national election coming up
next week! I just don't have any evidence that
women are lying any more than men.
Mark Borgerson