2007-03-30 16:56:49 UTC
What he forgot to say is also important. He should have said,
"Women have no business being in the military, in schools, or in
business. They should be at home."
Well, I have to disagree--as far as I am concerned, females can do"Women have no business being in the military, in schools, or in
business. They should be at home."
anything they want, as long as it's really on a level playing field.
No one-way female-only Title IX entitlements, no UK-style (in)equality
enforced pay scales, no affirmative action, no Spain and Finland-style
requirement that females be 40% of company's boards, no UK-style
"short list" for MPs, no special "Women's Opportunity Centers" for
women-only job training at taxpayers expense, no artificial UK laws
saying that time off for having babies--which is a choice--counts as
time on the job (have you noticed that the UK has given up any shred
of pretense at gender neutrality?), no artifical quotas at IT firms,
no guarantee--as at MIT and other universities--that at least 50% of
the admitted class be female (this at a time when the male national
average is 41%), no openly-acknowledged "women-only" recruitment
drives by academic departments--where qualified men are turned down in
droves and unqualified females are courted, fewer "special" rules for
females in the armed forces, no conversion of the schools and
standardized tests (the SAT and GRE going from 1/2 writing and 1/2
math to 2/3 writing, the IQ test being redesigned to be more
"female-friendly", etc) to female-orientation (as per Newsweek, the
number of boys complaining about school has risen 71% in a few years),
etc, etc--the list is endless. Take away all the shit and let females
compete on an honest basis. Without special exemptions and favors
forced by the govt, things would soon return to what they were
(better, since the playing fields would be level, not tiled for or
against men), because females, and men--those that honestly believe in
a level playing field, without one-sided government-imposed
priviledge--want them that way.